So far this weekend I have worked in two good urban rides. Monday night Bruce and I ventured into West Asheville for pints with Ty. We "crossed over river" as the boys back home would say. Downtown where I live has had plenty of new watering holes to keep my busy but in the spirit of exploration we ventured out to the new hip spot in Asheville. West Asheville has more good bike shops, restaurants and bars. Hit the Westville Pub for pints and had a great ride out there and back home. It's cool having different lines to play with in a new city. For me the streets are Asheville are a lot like unexplored trails with a new root (parking curb) , waterbar (curb cuts), log rides (ledges) around every corner. We had an exciting ride and I have found that the topography of this town lends itself to some nice urban features for bikes. Tuesday I was back out in the streets exploring neighborhoods in the Monford Neighborhood and several other areas West of town. Put in about two hours climbing hills and looking for the next sweet jump. Found a great one today on the route heading home from Downtown, pics to come soon. Well, this is what happens went you add a growler of Yazoo Pale Ale and 6 bucks in fur. John Blaze had inspired me months ago to "fur out" my ride one day and when I called him on Monday night only to catch him at gate practice I decided it had to be done. Tuesday was pretty laid back so I went by the local fabric store to find that fur was 50% off (it was meant to be) so I put down my 5 bucks and left with enough fur to trick out the rigid fork I will be running at the nighttime downhill race this weekend. Had some left over so now I also have a trick new top tube pad and stem pad. Yea, I'll be the idiot on the furry Sycip with speakers strapped to his bike and if you hear Wolfmother coming down the hill this weekend, you better move over.
On another note. Meet with Jack Bebber this morning with Ecohouse and EcoBuilders. Great guy and a good crew of like minded people in Real Estate. It looks like Ecohouse will most likely be the new home for my NC Real Estate License and I couldn't be happier about it. We hit North Asheville and checked out just a few of the homes he is working on or has recently finished and seeing what is happening with green urban infill homes lifts my spirits and gives me some hope for the future of American Society. It all has to start somewhere, now go ride a bike.